Our licensed road service operates door-to-door on both a scheduled and charter basis.
Animal Express´ most frequent scheduled service operates between the UK and Spain. Where possible we also serve Switzerland, Luxembourg and The Netherlands depending on need.
We also offer a charter service, where you hire the entire bus and have it go directly where you want. Just about any EU destination can be covered.
Our philosophy is simple...put the animals' needs first. This ranges from the food we provide to the safety of our vehicles and how they are driven. We always make proper night stops, for example, so that both animal and human can get the natural rest they need.
With full facilities including independent air-conditioning and night-heater in the pet section we sleep alongside the animals ensuring they are never left alone.
Two or three walks per day are given to dogs, so that they may toilet and otherwise get some activity time. This aides mental welfare and digestion.
Cats, ferrets, rabbits, etc, are given sufficient space to move about with separate litter and feeding trays provided additionally.
With certain exceptions we always provide individual cages with non-spill water bowls and, of course, soft comfortable bedding with changeable covers for greater cleanliness. Mothers with pups and some siblings might be kept together, but otherwise we practice higher sanitation standards than you will see elsewhere. We also have a general ban on moving very young puppies that have simply been bred for profit. Pregnant females and animals recovering from surgery are subject to the limits prescribed by law.
The scheduled trip dates are published in advance. Individual collections may be arranged for the day before or after depending on location. The entire trip plan including delivery times is typically provided several days in advance. Once underway satellite tracking is available online to further aid your own planning, plus we always aim to advise changes made necessary by weather, traffic, etc, to the individuals affected.